How to Do Cardio Workouts at Home With No Equipment

Between tiring days at work, helping the kids with their homework, and maintaining a social life, where do you find time to squeeze in an hour or two at the gym? Sometimes, the only solution to maintaining your health and fitness rests on the best at home workout. Start in a plank with your hands under shoulders and your body straight.

Once you feel ready, decrease the amount of walking. If staying home is more your jam, perform a strength exercise like push-ups followed by 30 seconds of jumping jacks. Adding a 10 to 20-minute bodyweight HIIT workout to your week is beneficial when at home or when traveling and you are short on time. Activities should be adaptable to your fitness level, daily needs, and current life situations to see fast results and avoid wasting time. When you want to get a cardio workout done at home, this is a great exercise to include. It’ll get your heart rate up, work your core, plus you don’t need much space to do it.

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High-intensity interval training—aka HIIT—is a type of workout that features various exercises like jumping and running in place. You'll go all-out performing the exercise for a short duration, take a break to rest, and then repeat the process. From here, walk your hands back toward your feet, allowing your legs to naturally bend. Then stand up to return to your starting position.

what cardio can i do at home without equipment

Watch and follow him through an entire day, getting an in-depth look at the demanding life of a professional athlete. But contrary to popular belief, at-home cardio can get your heart rate pumping to max capacity without ever having to leave your living room—or put on pants. O matter what your exercise of choice is—whether you’re Pilates-forward or prefer to sweat it out in the boxing ring—cardio is an important part of every routine. In fact, you’d be hard-pressed to find any coach or trainer who wouldn’t tell you to make it a priority. Stand straight with your legs together and arms at your sides. If you are unsure which dance moves you should do to lose weight, watch a video on youtube of hip hop, Zumba or Latin dance.

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RPE is a scale of intensity with 0 indicating rest and 10 referring to exercise at a person’s maximum capacity. Very few people should aim for a 10 when exercising at home. A person can search for a variety of cardiovascular exercise routines online. While keeping the knees off the ground and bent, crawl forward by alternating leg and arm movements.

what cardio can i do at home without equipment

Jump into a squat, landing with your knees bent, feet wider than shoulder-width apart, and toes pointed slightly out. Simultaneously rotate your waist, reaching your right hand up and left hand to the floor. Try out one of these top five moves–power jacks, jumping lunges, mountain climbers, burpees, or high knees–to start off this week strong. There are numerous cardio exercises that people can perform both at home and the gym.

Minute up-and-down running workout

Press into the floor with your right hand to stay elevated. Starting on all fours on a yoga mat, ensure that your knees are below your hips and your hands are below your shoulders. Set your spine in a neutral position and draw your shoulder blades down and back. Press into the floor with your hands and toes to slightly elevate your knees so that they are hovering just off the floor. From the high plank position, bend at the hips and knees to shift your glutes over your heels and lower your torso towards the mat.

what cardio can i do at home without equipment

Being a plyometric exercise, it delivers an after-burn effect, thus, burning more calories in the next hrs. Running in place improves blood sugar levels, increases heart rate, burns fat and calories. All these benefits help you lose weight. Plus, this exercise also enhances lung capacity, improve circulation, and boost cardiovascular function. Spot sprints are a great addition to any cardio workout session. They are perfect for getting your arms pumping while staying light on the feet.

Combine two amazing exercises when doing this workout to target maximum muscles of your body. To perform this step, do climber jacks involving 4 cross mountain climbers and incorporating a plank jack in as well. High knees combine knee lifts with running motion. They improve running forms, flexibility, balance, speed, and boost the heart rate.

what cardio can i do at home without equipment

Again, fingertips reach to the mat at the bottom of the curtsy lunge. I’ll coach you through all nine cardio exercises, providing form cues and keeping track of the timed intervals. Bonus,this high intensity cardio workout is completely LOW IMPACT. That means, NO JUMPING; which makes this a great cardio workout at home for beginners. If you're looking to increase your muscular power (speed + strength), plyometric training is your new best friend.

Intermediate moves to up the intensity

Push-ups will work your chest, triceps, and shoulders. By doing this, you will get a complete build-up of your upper muscles. Place your hands on the ground and ensure that they are width apart.

If the practices that result in your heart beating a lot and your breathing becoming heavier while exercising, then they are absolutely cardio. If you begin slow and adjust the workout to your own fitness level, you will eventually reap the benefits. Begin by adding a few jog intervals if you are currently walking comfortably for 30 minutes at a steady pace. Walk two minutes, then jog for one alternating a few times until fatigue or for the remainder of the time. You can use these no-equipment exercises to move your body regularly and get your heart rate up — even in a small space.

Single leg stand

As you reach the end of your rotation extend your left leg. If done correctly your torso and left leg should be pointing 90 degrees to the right of the starting position. Release your right foot and left hand, pivoting on your left foot to open up your hips.

what cardio can i do at home without equipment

Making an effort to alternate exertion levels or increase RPE with subsequent home workouts can help enhance a person’s cardio routine. Spring the legs back to return to the starting position. Push off the balls of the feet to bring the knees into the chest and land in a squat.

The American College of Sports Medicine recommend people engage in 150–300 minutes of moderate physical activity a week. If you're like most people, you probably think of cardio as any activity that gets your heart rate up and makes you break a sweat. And while running does indeed meet both of those criteria, there's a lot more to it than that. Push back up, and if you modified the push-up by dropping your knees, lift your knees off the floor to return to a high plank position.

what cardio can i do at home without equipment

If you want to spice things up, pick a few of the exercises from the top 13 cardio workout list with a difficulty of “easy”. For a day 1 beginner, you should choose a low-intensity form of cardio such as walking. This will produce great results while keeping your risk of injury at a minimum. Ski jumping is an athletic movement similar to a standard squat jump but also incorporates lateral motion. To increase the intensity, a person can hold a heavy weight, such as a kettlebell, exercise ball, or other household items. Raise the arms out to the sides, straight in the air while jumping out with the feet apart.


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